That's all.. And on Christmas eve I wore my punk clothing out with SY and attracted quite alot of unwanted attention.. Every time we passed by some pple I can hear them saying"you see you see.." and all other comments.. Well, I think it's time for S'pore to be more open to this kind of sub-culture already isn't it.. It's not exactly that uncommon for pple to wear Lolita or punk or Gothic le ba... After all if it's really so unpopular den why is it that there's more shops offering this kind of clothing.. So more shop=more pple wearing le.. So try not to be so closed up in your own world and see more..(referring to pple who criticized or gave unfriendly stares)
Anyway, we took 1 picture(only the face) on the bus.. Shall post it up when SY send to me.. =D
Oh!! And I plan to wear yukata to celebrate New year eve 2008.. Anyone game enough for it?? =D
``With Love ; Jaime-sama *
..:: left at 4:47 PM .

``With Love ; Jaime-sama *
..:: left at 8:11 PM .

A very cute little gal dressed in gothic lolita..

he(or she?) looks kinda cool.. =D

Look at their props.. Whoa..
D.Gray man..

All of D.Grayman cosplayer(maybe not all.. =p)
A very kawaii hani senpai(Ouran)
Allan Walker(D.Gray man)

Not sure about this but it's so cool!

Ouran again.. =D

``With Love ; Jaime-sama *
..:: left at 8:21 PM .

By the way, I brought 2 sets of comics from a online seller.. happy happy.. And it's taiwan version somemore eh..normally taiwan version first hand de cheapest is about $6(i think la)
But i got this set of 10 books at $20 only! And this set of 3 at $8.. So cheap sia..
tan dio liao..(<-Read this in hokkien) Whahax.. Happy happy.. Tonight go home must really pia on my production drawing. editing of 1st garment toile, and start to draft 2nd garment toile.. I guess I just have to forget about sleeping for at least 8 hours le.. And I only slept for like 5 hours today.. Which i shall not complain cux I know there's people who only slept for like 3 hours or less.. Anyway, Gambatte!! Jia you jia you!!
``With Love ; Jaime-sama *
..:: left at 9:14 PM .