This is my blog, a blog of a no-life girl who's life revolved around the Otaku world.. I can jolly well become a 宅女, if it's not for the fact that I'm working.. Enjoy your stay here!

名字 :: Jaime / mAo MaO
性别 :: 女
年龄 :: 22
生日. :: 13/06/1988
所在地 :: 新加坡
星座 :: 双子座
生肖 :: 我是龙的传人 XD

+ 日语, 韩语
+ 漫画
+ 动漫
+ 旅游
+ BJD 娃娃
+ Punk
+ Gothic / Lolita

- 超讨厌蟑螂 XP
- 讨厌争执
- 讨厌拥挤的巴士
- 讨厌被人使唤
- 讨厌孤单/被冷落

* BJD 娃娃!!!
* 超想去日本!


Alisa, I see an Angel
[+] FARMily


[+] Geraldine
[+] JaNnA
[+] Han He


[+] Ah PeK
[+] QuAcK QuAcK
[+] WeNdY MeOw

TP 的朋友

[+] Su YeE
[+] JiNnI
[+] QiNg WeN
[+] DeE
[+] PhOeBe
[+] SaMaNtHa
[+] EiLeEn
[+] Eva
[+] EuNiCe
[+] DaRrEn
[+] MiNg LoNg
[+] ReI


[+] FuSiOn
[+] PaSiB
[+] AlExChIoUs
[+] CeEd
[+] BeLlA
[+] MeRvYn
[+] Eliz
[+] Jesuke sama



* Saving For A BJD now
* Wanted to ship h.naoto stuffs over
* Loves Ancafe =Miku~=
* Loves D Gray Man
* Loves Vampire Knight
* Wants more Manga collection
* Wants Hangry & Angry
* Wants Alice and the Pirates
* Saving for a bookshelf
* Wants to repaint my room
* Needs a maido desu~!!!


aNgeL_Of_MemOrY [ email ]
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Monday, August 16, 2010 ;
I've been following Miku's twitter for some time..
Seems like he's enjoying life..
Lots of food pictures posted by him.. ^__^

So my curiosity gets the better of me, as I was wondering how is Ancafe doing, are they back from their hiatus? So I went online to search..
Google is my best friend Yeah!
And so I found out.....................
Miku is in a new band call Lc5!!!!

For a moment I panicked.. What happen to Ancafe then?

Well it seems like each member are doing seperate activities, but they will be back.. As what they said.. And so i went to search on youtube on Lc5..

Miku gained a bit of weight.. His face is rounder..
Perhaps this is the result of the food pictures that he so constantly twitted about.. haha..
And seems like no official song is out yet for Lc5.. only heard a preview of a song.. No vocal thou, only the music.. But the rythem is not too bad too.. Looking forward to it!!

but in this new group, Miku put on a more 'man' side.. No more colors, no more cuteness.. Anticipating that side of him too!! ^__^ Nyappy~!!

``With Love ; Jaime-sama *
..:: left at 8:01 PM .

Saturday, August 14, 2010 ;

Long time no update, but just wanna share a song by Yuna Ito. Love her voice, so soothing.. ^__^

Ah looking forward to Natsu Matsuri 2010!! 1st time going to such event, wonder how it will be!! 楽しみにしていま!!!

``With Love ; Jaime-sama *
..:: left at 11:32 PM .